API Reference


noisyopt.minimizeCompass(func, x0, args=(), bounds=None, scaling=None, redfactor=2.0, deltainit=1.0, deltatol=0.001, feps=1e-15, errorcontrol=True, funcNinit=30, funcmultfactor=2.0, paired=True, alpha=0.05, disp=False, callback=None, **kwargs)

Minimization of an objective function by a pattern search.

The search algorithm is a simple compass search along coordinate directions. If the function evaluation contains a stochastic element, then the function is called repeatedly to average over the stochasticity in the function evaluation. The number of evaluations is adapted dynamically to ensure convergence.


func: callable :

objective function to be minimized: called as func(x, *args, **kwargs), if paired=True, then called with keyword argument seed additionally

x0: array-like :

starting point

args: tuple :

extra arguments to be supplied to func

bounds: array-like :

bounds on the variables

scaling: array-like :

scaling by which to multiply step size and tolerances along different dimensions

redfactor: float :

reduction factor by which to reduce delta if no reduction direction found

deltainit: float :

inital pattern size

deltatol: float :

smallest pattern size

feps: float :

smallest difference in function value to resolve

errorcontrol: boolean :

whether to control error of simulation by repeated sampling

funcNinit: int, only for errorcontrol=True :

initial number of iterations to use for the function, do not set much lower than 30 as otherwise there is no sufficient statistics for function comparisons

funcmultfactor: float, only for errorcontrol=True :

multiplication factor by which to increase number of iterations of function

paired: boolean, only for errorcontrol=True :

compare for same random seeds

alpha: float, only for errorcontrol=True :

significance level of tests, the higher this value the more statistics is acquired, which decreases the risk of taking a step in a non-descent direction at the expense of higher computational cost per iteration

disp: boolean :

whether to output status updates during the optimization

callback: callable :

called after each iteration, as callback(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.


scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult object :

special entry: free Boolean array indicating parameters that are unconstrained at the optimum (within feps)


noisyopt.minimizeSPSA(func, x0, args=(), bounds=None, niter=100, paired=True, a=1.0, c=1.0, disp=False, callback=None)

Minimization of an objective function by a simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation algorithm.


func: callable :

objective function to be minimized

x0: array-like :

starting point

args: tuple :

extra arguments to be supplied to func

bounds: array-like :

bounds on the variables

scaling: array-like :

scaling by which to multiply step size and tolerances along different dimensions

niter: int :

maximum number of iterations of the algorithm

paired: boolean :

calculate gradient for same random seeds

a: float :

algorithm scaling parameter for step size

c: float :

algorithm scaling parameter for evaluation step size

disp: boolean :

whether to output status updates during the optimization

callback: callable :

called after each iteration, as callback(xk), where xk is the current parameter vector.


scipy.optimize.OptimizeResult object :


noisyopt.minimize(*args, **kwargs)

deprecated: use minimizeCompass instead


noisyopt.bisect(func, a, b, xtol=1e-06, errorcontrol=True, testkwargs={}, outside='extrapolate', ascending=None, disp=False)

Find root by bysection search.

If the function evaluation is noisy then use errorcontrol=True for adaptive sampling of the function during the bisection search.


func: callable :

Function of which the root should be found. If errorcontrol=True then the function should be derived from AverageBase.

a, b: float :

initial interval

xtol: float :

target tolerance for interval size

errorcontrol: boolean :

if true, assume that function is instance of DifferenceFunction

testkwargs: only for `errorcontrol=True` :

see AverageBase.test0

outside: [‘extrapolate’, ‘raise’] :

How to handle the case where f(a) and f(b) have same sign, i.e. where the root lies outside of the interval. If ‘raise’ throws a BisectException in this case.

ascending: allow passing in directly whether function is ascending or not :

if ascending=True then it is assumed without check that f(a) < 0 and f(b) > 0 if ascending=False then it is assumed without check that f(a) > 0 and f(b) < 0


float, root of function :

Average classes

These helper classes perform averages over function values. They provide extra logic such as tests whether function values differ signficantly.

class noisyopt.AverageBase(N=30, paired=False)

Base class for averaged evaluation of noisy functions.


N number of evaluations


test0(x[, type_, alpha, force, eps, maxN]) Compares the mean at x to zero.

number of evaluations

test0(x, type_='smaller', alpha=0.05, force=False, eps=1e-05, maxN=10000)

Compares the mean at x to zero.


type_: in [‘smaller’, ‘equality’] :

type of comparison to perform

alpha: float :

significance level

force: boolean :

if true increase number of samples until equality rejected or meanse=eps or N > maxN

eps: float :

maxN: int :

class noisyopt.AveragedFunction(func, fargs=None, **kwargs)

Average of a function’s return value over a number of runs.

Caches previous results.


N number of evaluations


diffse(x1, x2) Standard error of the difference between the function values at x1 and x2
test(xtest, x[, type_, alpha])
test0(x[, type_, alpha, force, eps, maxN]) Compares the mean at x to zero.

number of evaluations

diffse(x1, x2)

Standard error of the difference between the function values at x1 and x2

test(xtest, x, type_='smaller', alpha=0.05)

type_: in [‘smaller’, ‘equality’] :

type of comparison to perform

alpha: float :

significance level

test0(x, type_='smaller', alpha=0.05, force=False, eps=1e-05, maxN=10000)

Compares the mean at x to zero.


type_: in [‘smaller’, ‘equality’] :

type of comparison to perform

alpha: float :

significance level

force: boolean :

if true increase number of samples until equality rejected or meanse=eps or N > maxN

eps: float :

maxN: int :

class noisyopt.DifferenceFunction(func1, func2, fargs1=None, fargs2=None, **kwargs)

Averages the difference of two function’s return values over a number of runs


N number of evaluations


test0(x[, type_, alpha, force, eps, maxN]) Compares the mean at x to zero.

number of evaluations

test0(x, type_='smaller', alpha=0.05, force=False, eps=1e-05, maxN=10000)

Compares the mean at x to zero.


type_: in [‘smaller’, ‘equality’] :

type of comparison to perform

alpha: float :

significance level

force: boolean :

if true increase number of samples until equality rejected or meanse=eps or N > maxN

eps: float :

maxN: int :